Clarify Your Audience and Attract Your Dream Clients

When you’re starting out in your new business, it’s so easy to want to say that your target audience is anyone and everyone who will buy what you’re selling. But the truth is, by speaking to everyone, you’re really speaking to no one.

By defining exactly who it is you want to work with, and targeting them directly - through your visual branding, your brand voice, and your marketing avenues - you can begin to attract the people who will value your services the most - your dream clients!

What is an “ideal client” and why do I need one?

An ideal client is not only someone who you WANT to work with, and that can help you meet your long-term business goals, but it’s also someone whose exact needs are met through your products or services. It’s someone who, when they read your content thinks “omg, they’re talking TO ME”. 

They’ll be the ones who will do whatever it takes to work with you, because no one else gets them like you do. Knowing who your ideal client is will help you to target them through all avenues of your business. From the words you use on your website, to the posts and advertisements you put on social media, you need to stand out to SOMEONE, and that someone will be your ideal client.

Here are some tips to help you identify who you should be talking to:

01.  Get clear on your goals

Understanding your dream client really starts with YOU. You need to understand your interests and strengths and know what type of people you enjoy working with. Start by asking yourself questions like:

  • What are you most passionate about in life?

  • What types of industries or companies do you want to work with?

  • What are your strengths?

  • What sets you apart from your competition?

02. Think about why your client would need your service/product

Once you have a little more insight on your own goals, and what you enjoy, you should have an idea about the types of clients that bring you joy to work with. 

Start brainstorming about your ideal client. As yourself questions like:

  • What do they need from you? Why would they come to you?

  • What are they frustrated with? What are their pain points?

  • How can you help them with this problem? How will what you offer make their lives easier?

03. Start to get clear on your ideal client

Think about your favorite clients or customers that you’ve really enjoyed working with. What was/is it about them that you enjoy so much? Start by making a list of their characteristics. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What do you love about working with them?

  • What do they love about working with you?

  • How did each of you show up in your interactions that made it so enjoyable?

  • Did you have any common interests or values?

04. Profile your ideal client

We’re talking good ol’ “Criminal Minds” profiling here. Only, we’ll call this “Dream Client Minds”. Using your responses to the questions from Point 3, take it a step further and create a profile of your ideal client as if they were one person. 

Really try to get inside their heads. Create a story for this person - give them names , personalities, hobbies, ambitions, etc. Think about their daily life and business. 

Do this for a couple different dream clients so that you can start to get really clear on the types of people you’re hoping to attract.

See Point 5 for a list of questions to consider.

05. Make sure you’re answering these questions:

As you’re working on your Dream Client Minds profile ;), answer these questions about the person:

  • Where do they live?

  • What is their age range?

  • Male/Female/Other?

  • What is their income?

  • What do they do for a living?

  • Where do they like to hang out?

  • What do they do for fun?

  • Where do they hang out online?

  • What do they value?

  • What are they passionate about?

  • What influences their decision to buy something?

  • What do they want or need resolved?

  • What keeps them up at night (pain points)?

  • What are their goals?

  • What is holding them back from reaching their goals?

06. Keep in mind, this profile is meant to answer:

  • What do they want, like and need?

  • How do they feel seen and understood?

  • What main issues do they need solved for them?

  • What will convince them to buy from you?

  • Remember yes, you made them up, but there are REAL people out there just like this)

07. Now, talk to this person EVERYWHERE

Now that you have a few people in mind, talk directly to them in ALL of your messaging. Think: website copy, blog posts, social media captions and images, emails/newsletters, ads. All of it - you want people to read this stuff and think “WOW, they are talking DIRECTLY to me.” 

08. Remember: If you’re talking to everyone, you’re really talking to no one

Yes, this may sound cliche but it’s 100% true. People buy when they feel connection, when they feel truly understood, or when they really believe what they’re investing in will help them in some way. 

The more specific you can get with your messaging, the more your people will feel like you get them, and the more confident they will feel that you can help them.

The more specific and targeted you are in everything you put out there, the more you will attract the RIGHT people. 

As your business grows and changes, your audience may shift as well. Revisit this exercise as often as needed to continue to get as clear as possible on who you’re talking to!

09: Grab your FREE workbook to start attracting your dream clients!


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