Free 3-day brand retreat

Get clear on what your brand stands for, who it stands beside, and how to stand out.

Free brand retreat

Join the Brand Retreat Masterclass

Hey there my diy-loving entrepreneur friend

If you’re like most, you’ve been there:

You’ve gone through a major shift or “rebranded” yourself a million times only to continue to feel disconnected from everything you put out there.

Your “target audience” strategy looks more like trying to reach everyone in hopes that someone, ANYONE, will buy - but alas, nothing but crickets.

You feel overwhelmed when you think about your saturated market and wonder why anyone would choose you over your competitors.

Free brand retreat

Join the Brand Retreat Masterclass

In this free 3-Day Workshop Series you will learn:

How to cut through the noise and find your unique brand voice, define your values, and see your vision clearly.


What the industry has wrong about your “Ideal Client Avatar” and how to go deeper to truly connect and build trust with your dream clients and customers.


How to overcome imposter syndrome by owning your unique value and using it to stand out in sea of competition.


Free brand retreat

Join the Brand Retreat Masterclass

How we’ll do it:

Day 1: Your Business

Get clear on your vision and the story you’re trying to tell the world. You’ll craft a complete brand persona that allows you to step confidently into your Next Level Brand.

Day 2: Your Audience

Understand the heart-led method for crafting your Dream Client Archetype and learn how to leverage it to build relationships and turn followers into paying clients.

Day 3: Your Industry

Identify your unique value and learn how to position your brand in an overly-saturated market so that you stand out to the right people.

Free brand retreat

Join the Brand Retreat Masterclass

Your questions, answered…

Who is this for?

This free workshop series is for you if you're in your first 3-5 years of business and understand how important a brand's identity is in attracting your ideal clients. Maybe you’ve “rebranded” yourself a million times only to continue to feel disconnected from everything you put out there. You’re ready to stop cutting corners and create a solid brand foundation that feels aligned with your business’s mission, vision, and values and prepares you to attract your dream clients and make some money!


You’ll get the Day One email immediately after signing up, and you’ll receive the next two emails over the next two days.


YES!  People tell me all the time that my free trainings are MORE VALUABLE than courses they've paid thousands for.  This workshop series will set you up to DIY a highly-aligned brand, website, and marketing strategy that not only feels right for your business, but that tells your authentic story to your audience and converts fans into paying clients!


I’ll be walking you through the first (and dare I say most important) part of my Heartwork Method that I use with my 1:1 clients and in NEXT LEVEL BRAND, my hands-on 8-week course that helps you:

  • Develop a thoughtful and aligned Brand Identity based on your brand’s mission, vision, values, and voice.

  • Use your Brand Identity to create an actionable Brand Strategy based on your audience profile, market + competitor analysis, unique value proposition, and visual direction.

  • Create beautiful Brand Visuals (including logos, color palettes, and font selections) that are designer-quality without the designer pricetag

  • Build an effective (and feel-good) Marketing Strategy that doesn’t give you or others the ick.

  • Design and build a website that does it’s job (sells for you) and looks good doing it!

  • Launch your Next Level Brand to your audience in a way that feels exciting and creates hype around your business.


You can learn more here!

Free brand retreat

Join the Brand Retreat Masterclass


I’m Stephanie - the owner and design expert behind Heartwork - a small but mighty brand and website design studio. I started this business after deciding that there had to be more to life than working it away at a job I wasn’t passionate about. I bet you get that, too.

Over the years, I’ve curated a solid and personal process, and my clients love it. But not everyone is in a position to invest the 5-10k (or more) it can cost for professional strategy, branding, and website design.

Having been there myself early in my business, I feel passionately about sharing the tools and resources needed to DIY a designer-quality brand without the designer price tag.

Join me for the free workshop series ➔